NYC Guerilla Radio

Monday, August 23, 2004

Police even beat up 5 year olds

I used to work in an emergency room in Elmhurst hospital. I was pretty young and naïve at this point in my life, my state of mind was just as blank as the rest of the flock, never ask questions, always trust the president or people in charge because they can do no harm, watch MTV and be a consumer BUY, BUY, BUY EAT, EAT, EAT.

One night while working the midnight shift in Elmhurst hospital a Mexican lady comes running into the Emergency room screaming. The tears were pouring down her face, as she screamed “Ayudame porfavor me los van a matar!!” (Help me please they are going to kill them) with two kids on her back half dead.

My first impression was that she was being attacked by gang members or possibly a family member; anyway I was chosen to be her translator because she did not know any English. Here is what she said …

“I was selling buttered corn and hot dogs in the near by park, When all of a sudden two police officers approached me and asked to see my license. I was packing up obviously because it was late and the children had to go to bed. I gave the two officers my license and they tore it up into pieces and laughed, I couldn’t understand a lot of what they were saying because my English is very limited, next they turned my only source of income upside down and all of my food fell on the floor.

I was startled and we began to run (my kids and I) but my kids were not fast enough and the officers began beating them with there clubs. I jumped on top of my kids and took a pretty big beating myself, the officers left when they were done.”

I looked at the medical charts and was amazed. The kids were 8 years and 5 years old. The 8 year old had a broken leg and a broken rib; the 5 year old had a bloody gash on his head that needed stitches and bruises on his back as well as a broken leg. I advised the lady to take pictures and to get a lawyer … I also took her phone number in order to offer my services and any help I could offer. We went to the precinct and as you could imagine, the cover up began. The lady was not a U.S citizen, she was Mexican, she was a minority therefore she was not helped, she had no rights. This lady and her children will forever live with that memory, The red, white and blue, the NYPD doing its best to represent America the land of the “FREE”.

Monday, August 09, 2004

A funny Story from my youth

yeah theres was this one time where like teenage mutant ninja turtles was like out on the market ... and we had found this giant pack rat in the back yard of our building.
well some kid said it was splinter haha u know the rat who trained the ninja turtles to be ninjas ....

so we're all like these 4 ft tall (little kids) hahaha and that rat was this huge grey dusty swampy beast equivalent to a full grown cat

we're all gathered around it and my crazy cousin goes ... "ya'll better run, cuz imma do something crazy"

we looked at each other and then looked at my cousin, and by that time he had already grabbed the animal by its tail and swung it like a battle mace ... we all ran for the exit

8 of us crammed up... and all i remember seeing is this rat flying over head... I stopped as it flew over me and it covered the sun for a moment ... next i hear it crashing down hitting leaves and branches

the Rat came down on a crash landing and it fell on Lil' Afro Arie this kid who always had yellow fingers cuz he ate too much cheese doodles ... it knocked Afro Arie out for a few minutes and we gathered around him ... when he came to, he saw the rat next to him smiling at him, he freaked out and ran home ... that kid was never heard from again after that day.

this IS a true story and i'll never forget it haha