NYC Guerilla Radio

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

In observance of Independence Day

Independence Day is the national holiday of the United States of America. It commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The U.S.A celebrates 228 years of being America, the greatest nation of all time; a nation that is built on murder, corruption, slavery, racism, treason, torture, bribery, extortion and so on.

Today I quote the real "Americans" the true and forgotten people of this beautiful land. A land that was once known for its beautiful forest, its clean crisp lakes and vast grass lands, now look at it, it's turned into a waste dump. American Indians respected and loved this land, they maintained a natural order. Then the white man came along and the almost wiped out all of the buffalo's for fun etc ... no more of this sad stuff ... i hope you guys enjoy reading some of these quotes from some indian chiefs

Enchanted horse (his name was mis-translated to crazy horse by the white man), Oglala Sioux Chief

"We did not ask you white men to come here. The Great Spirit gave us this country as a home. You had yours. We did not interfere with you. The Great Spirit gave us plenty of land to live on, and buffalo, deer, antelope and other game. But you have come here; you are taking my land from me; you are killing off our game, so it is hard for us to live. Now, you tell us to work for a living, but the Great Spirit did not make us to work, but to live by hunting. You white men can work if you want to. We do not interfere with you, and again you say, why do you not become civilized? We do not want your civilization! We would live as our fathers did, and their fathers before them." Crazy Horse was forced to surrender in the spring of 1877. He was arrested in September of the same year and mortally wounded by a Sioux guard at Fort Robinson, Nebraska.

Ten Bears, Yamparika Comanche Chief

At the Medicine Lodge Creek Council at Kansas in October 1867: "I was born upon the prairie where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures and where everything drew a free breath. I want to die there and not within walls."

Tecumseh (Shooting Star), Shawnee Chief

"Where today is the Pequot? Where are the Narragansetts, the Mohawks, the Pokanoket, and many other once powerful tribes of our people? They have vanished before the avarice and the oppression of the white man, as snow before the summer sun."

Joseph (Thunder Rolling in the Mountains), Nez Perce Chief

Upon surrender, October 1877: "I am tired of fighting. Our chiefs are killed. Looking Glass is dead. Toohulhulzote is dead. The old men are all dead. It is the young men who say yes or no. He who led the young men [Joseph's brother, Ollokot] is dead. It is cold and we have no blankets. The little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them have run away to the hills and have no blankets, no food; no one knows where they are - perhaps freezing to death. I want to have time to look for my children and see how many I can find. Maybe I shall find them among the dead. Hear me my chiefs. I am tired; my heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands I will fight no more forever." After the surrender, Chief Joseph and his people were sent to Indian Territory where five of his children and many of his tribe died of disease.

Quotes taken from:

Friday, June 25, 2004

Interview with a Homeless man named "Chris from arizona"

Ok so yesterday I had the day off and I'm walking down Main Street smelling that nasty garbage and fish TANG on the Street (ya’ know what I'm talking about Queens college, Flushing High, and John Bowne students). I head towards the 7 train on Roosevelt, when I see this homeless guy sitting down on the corner right by Old navy*.

So I pass by him the first time to observe him, I stayed there for awhile. I felt so bad for him civilians, and passer by's gave him this look like as if he was an unwanted animal disturbing there walk to Mc Donald’s or Old Navy * .

He sat on a towel covered in black grease, a light haired, fair skinned dancing doll that played music was beside him and his only companion as he collected cigarettes that people dropped by him. I thought to myself "sometimes we don't know how much we have until we see a homeless person eating the skin off of a KFC bone in the garbage".

After a while I couldn’t take it anymore I introduce myself "Hi my name is ... what’s yours?" I asked; he looked up at me and I noticed his left eye pupil had been "rubbed out" (he had only one operational eye) he was wearing a raggedy pink California hat and he smelled like old (arenque con mierda de gato seca) he didn't have a shirt on and he used a rope for a belt on his feces covered jeans.

At first I was really cautious because some homeless people are not used to actual conversations with people, and they lash out violently cursing if you come off on the wrong foot, but this guy was really COOL and UPLIFTING, on top of that he was telling me jokes and stories about his life, he even preached the bible to me.

The day before I met “Chris from Arizona” I thought man life sucks, I’m so unlucky, Why don’t things ever go my way? (I’m sure we’ve all thought this sometime or other)

I meet this homeless guy who revitalized my faith in God, in life and made me laugh so hard aside from all the horrible stories he told me of how NYC cop’s held him down and sprayed mace on his eye “that’s why my eye don’t look sexy” he said to me as I laughed again, surprised that he can make a light joke of this incredible injustice done to him. “It’s ok, We’re all going to the same place when we die, and I’m sure God will repay each one of us accordingly” he said with a smile that just made you smile along with him.

Such strong words in faith from a person so down he should have no faith at all.


Tuesday, June 22, 2004

OoOo Facist state here you come

OoOo Facist state here you come

Little by little things are changing and getting worse ...

A divided supreme court ruled the other day that people who refuse to give their names to police officers will be arrested, even if you've done nothing wrong.

Previously the court stated that police may detain people they suspect of wrongdoing, without any proof. The courts decision gives the police the right to ask people their name and jail those who don't cooperate.

The decision gives police too much power. Once officers have a name they can use computer databases to learn all kinds of personal information about that person.

George Bush made it clear when he said "you're either with me or against me". Remember, fascism and a police state doesn't come all at once, it comes piece by piece. How far will we allow it go until we are all locked up in concentration camps? If we don't take matters into our own hands and do something about this now, then we are already prisoners of war.

* Just imagine if another 9/11 tragedy happens in the U.S what would happen? Well for those of you who paid attention in History class ... there is this clause (a loop hole) in the constitution that enables the president to declare MARTIAL LAW ****

what is MARTIAL LAW? (Ok imagine we do get attacked again like in 9/11)It basically states that it's too dangerous to change the president so he becomes the sovereign leader and your rights as a citizen are taken away, the president cannot be taken out of power and he alone has the authority to command our troops in battle.

go here and read up on it

Friday, June 18, 2004



By El Tiguerito “God bless us all”

An award-winning Pennsylvania journalist, who was a taxi driver by day and also ran a radio show late nights in Pennsylvania exposed police violence against minority communities and U.S terrorism.

This of course pissed off a lot of white people in power, because they are only satisfied when you are obedient, quiet and submissive. They want you to be that little Latino, African American or Asian kid that fears there police officers and that little Latino, African American or Asian kid that gives into loving there material possessions buying there liquor, buying there clothes in other words selling out your culture and adopting there culture.

Despite being one of the most celebrated prisoners many still do not know who he is, they sure as hell know who Puff Daddy is; they sure as hell know who Jennifer Lopez is …

What have these two celebrities ever done for you? Except make you buy and wear really expensive clothing with there names on the shirts you buy making you look like a ridiculous bill board, YES that’s what you look like, a walking ad for there company.

Mumia Abu-Jamal has been on death row since 82’ he is a community leader that gave faith hope and inspiration to us all in one way or another; he is also a personal hero of mine. Please Join the planning and outreach TO RELEASE MUMIA! Join the Mobe e-mail list for updates on Mumia's case and upcoming events. Send an e-mail to:

with the word "subscribe" in the subject line.

This bottom half was taken from

* Abu-Jamal's doctor said that Abu-Jamal, who was unconscious, said nothing. He reported that a nurse found police with loaded guns pointed at Mumia as he lay unconscious in his hospital bed.

* William Singletary, a Vietnam veteran and local businessman, saw the whole incident and has testified that Abu-Jamal committed no crime. However, the police forced him into leaving Philadelphia.

* Other key witnesses, such as Veronica Jones -- who now testifies in support of Abu-Jamal, were harassed into giving false testimony. Two prosecution witnesses were given special favors, including exemption from criminal prosecution, for their testimony.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

A must read for true musicians and new and upcoming ones

I have to say that while posting up our new song 6:50 on our site I got choked up a bit. I reminisced back when we first started recording and playing lol there were some hard times but fun nonetheless.

I remember this one studio we went to record one of our songs, and the neighborhood was so bad every 3 minutes you would hear gun shots, and you know you’re in the ghetto when the rats out weigh the cats and dogs on the block. So we go down to this studio and we were all excited despite wondering whether our cars would still be where we parked them or if the giant rats would chew the tires off and sell the rims lol.

We get to the place and we go downstairs and to my surprise the studio is a room no bigger than a regular bathroom. There’s like a rope across the basement and hanging from it are panty’s along with shirts and pants that were left to dry. Once we open the last door in the basement I look down and a chubby red faced Mexican and a Peruvian with a huge fro were running the studio (they were really cool though). So half way into the recording the Mexicans pull out a bottle of Chivas Regal and what looked like bootleg homemade wine, so we all started to drink and we got really messed up.

By the time we finished recording it was 3 am and I got into Kikos car all of a sudden Kiko starts freaking out; and I start getting scared, he kept saying that he see’s something running across the hood of his car and I’m just like OoO boy this is the last time you drinking lol and then all of a sudden I see it! A Gigantic, thundering, swampy King Sewer Rat with shiny golden teeth appears. We stopped the car and grab sticks and try poking it off the car lol wow that night was so much fun.

Now that we’re coming out with our new material we would like to say that we haven’t changed our personalities. We’re just a bunch of guys who love to play music, it’s our dream and we hope to make a living out of it.

Go to and listen to our new track 6:50, don’t forget to comment on the guest book let us know what you think.

Monday, June 14, 2004

REAL AMERICAN HISTORY *what they do'nt put in the history books*

63-1975- U.S kills over 4 million south east Asians.

1973- U.S stages coup in CHILE democratically elected president Allende assassinated by
U.S, dictator Pinochet was installed 5,000 civilians killed by U.S

1977- U.S backs military rule in El Salvador 70,000 Salvadorians killed.

1980- U.S.A trains OSAMA BIN LADEN and FORMS ALQAEDA to kill soviets *THANKS TO REAGAN*.

1981- Reagan and U.S kills 30,000 Nicaraguan civilians

1982- U.S provides billions in weapons to Saddam Hussien to kill civilians in IRAN

1983- White house secretly gives IRAN weapons to kill IRAQUIANS
U.S Reagan, Bush, Colin Powell invade Panama, remove Noriega 30,000 civilians murdered.

1990- IRAQ invades KUWAIT with weapons given to them by the U.S.

1991- U.S enters IRAQ

1998- Clinton bombs “weapon factory” in Sudan, which later turns out to be an Aspirin making factory

1991- present- Americans bomb Iraq weekly 500,000 children die ( just children)

2000-2001- U.S gives TALIBAN 245 million dollars in AID

9/11/01- BIN LADEN uses his expert CIA , U.S training to murder 3,000 U.S citizens.

2001 - 2004 - WE call the people defending their land TERRORIST and see no wrong doing while we force these people to adopt our views, our government and allow BUSH to torture there people ... yet we believe in freedom ? don't they have a right to choose what type of government they want? WHy do we impose CAPITALISM in IRAQ ?

Friday, June 11, 2004


Huella's del tiempo a new era of Bachata

I was invited to an HDT rehearsel and I must say these guys are keeping the ball rolling in a positive manner *Aventura's Lenny knows how to pick em*

HDT (Huellas del tiempo)Live reminded me of the peace you can only find in the Dominican Republic on a cloudless, warm summer day. They were Anthony Santos, Luis Vargas, Raulin with a hint of American Rock, Jazz, Hip Hop and Reggae (Pretty weird huh? they pull it off perfectly).

These guys are No Glam! So that was a plus, they're all about MUSIC THANK GOD a BAND I can relate too. I enjoyed listening to them. Brought back some of that old school feel, the way you felt the first time you heard your first favorite bachata (which ever that may be).

On synthesizer you will find Negra Pola: A person who to me is the most complete musician and one of the humblest individuals I've had the pleasure of meeting: the dude plays guira like no one I've seen, bass, tambora, bongos piano, sings chorus etc etc ...

On guitar you will find Perro: who was quite but was also amazing on guitar, he did not miss a step

Veneno bass: his name says it all "El mas peligroso" he's a lot of fun to just hear, very creative, and a very nice guy.

Mikey (requinto): he's a legend in his own right for us kids in Queens; I basically almost threw up all over myself when I heard him play; nasty stuff kids. Plus he is a clown and an entertainer had all of us laughing, but also maintained a strict and buiness like rehearsel work came first.

J.D: who I met for the first time tonight had me laughing all thru the practice, a really nice guy and very humble, but the best part is that he sounds just like the C.D very impressive because these guys use a variety of notes and his flexibility is to be

I'm really proud as a musician and as a Latino that these guys are being able to follow there dreams because these guys truly deserve it.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

THANK GOD REAGAN'S DEAD * the death of a REAL terrorist*

Date: 1795
: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
Main Entry: ter•ror
1 : a state of intense fear
2 a : one that inspires fear b : a frightening aspect c : a cause of anxiety d : an appalling person or thing 3 : violence (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands

George Washington
General Sherman
Che Guevara
Nelson Mandella
Ariel Sharon
Henry Kissenger
George H. Bush
Ronald Regan
William Jefferson Clinton
George W. Bush
General Westmorland

Most anti-imperialists * these are the good guys in case you didn’t know* will remember Ronald Reagan for his culpability in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people in Central America, the highly publicized 1980s battleground of the U.S. ruling elite. Osama bin Laden and his shadowy network of operatives certainly will have to work double overtimes to surpass in scope the handiwork of the Reagan terrorist administration and his carefully planned terror campaign throughout Central America.

The U.S. government’s brutal war and systematic assassinations against Nicaragua’s Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional government and the people of Nicaragua, for instance, grabbed the most headlines during Reagan’s term.

Using terrorist camps in Honduras and Costa Rica as launching pads, the U.S. government staged regular strikes inside Nicaragua, including attacks on schools and medical clinics, rapes, kidnappings, torture, massacres, and mining of harbors. The U.S.-sponsored terror campaign against the Sandinista government resulted in the deaths of an estimated 20,000 Nicaraguans.

As president, Reagan also presided over a constant flow of U.S. aid to the AUTHORITARIAN governments of Guatemala and El Salvador * you might ask however, why would the U.S government send aid to Authoritarian governments? Don’t we stand for freedom and the opposite of Authoritarianism? Hmm quite interesting ay, Diabolico?. With the full support of the Reagan administration, the Guatemalan and Salvadoran militaries, along with networks of death squads inside those countries, used the U.S. financial assistance to engage in terror campaigns that killed tens of thousands of people — civilians and insurgents. In Manufacturing Consent, their groundbreaking work on the U.S. propaganda system, Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky write: “As their government sponsors terror in all three states [Nicaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador] …, we may fairly say that the U.S. mass media, despite their righteous self-image as opponents of something called terrorism, serve in fact as loyal agents of terrorism.”

In the coming days and weeks, as the mainline media saturates us with its coverage of fond remembrances of Reagan as “the great communicator” and as the anticommunist let us who remember the real Ronald Reagan tell the story of a Terrorist who created RECORD U.S. budget deficits through his out-of-control federal spending sprees, a president who MURDERED millions of innocents for monetary gain, a president who DESTROYED the environment by appointed CROOKS, and big businesses to destroy forest and wild life perhaps we should try not to forget that the 40th president, like presidents before and after him, engaged in global terrorism on a massive scale and was never forced to answer for these crimes against humanity.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

George Washington A Terrorist ?


Terrorism and War, Makes (Some very light skinned) Americans A Lot of Money

Just a few years ago people trying to force out a corrupt government were called freedom fighters. Today anyone that is fighting against any government anywhere, is branded a terrorist.

Today George Washington and those that fought for our independence would be called terrorists, because he didn't fight "clean." America's freedom fighters back in 1776 fought a guerilla war in order to get us our own country. We used the terrorist tactics of the day.

Think of Colombia's civil war, it’s been going on for decades and now President Bush has decided who the terrorists and who the patriots are. Both sides kill and both sides are brutal. We have spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to help one side over the other and still the cocaine flows into our country. Who the heck are YOU BUSH to pick sides in another county's civil war? Colombians make their money off of the cocaine trade, the government blames it on the rebels. Isn't that convenient?

It pretty much boils down to money. Israel has an incredible lobbying campaign in Washington. Every country that we stick our nose in, costs us billions and somebody in Washington gets a piece of that. We sell the most weapons in the world, so it is to our advantage to keep terrorism going, keep civil wars going, and keep countries attacking each other. Many American families are rich because of that and the Bush family is one of them.

For several years now there has been a push to bring our troops home. Many thousands of troops have been protecting Europe from the Soviet Union for over fifty years and those 37,000 troops in Korea have been there for fifty years too.
Well the people that make the money off of those troops and our interventions around the globe, could not be happier, because they now have international terrorism. No one is talking about sending the troops home now. Now we are talking about getting more troops over seas. BUSH sees a terrorist behind every tree, because it is good for business.

More wars, more money. We can't mind our own business, because terrorism and war is our business.