NYC Guerilla Radio

Thursday, October 19, 2006

written in the spur of the moment

You see, I’ve learned something today … you can never go back in time.

As simple and corny as this may sound … I urge you to delve deeper into this topic with me today:

That night when you decide to make him your first (that jerk you now hate but thought was so amazing). Years later you finally find that special someone and wish you would’ve waited and been a virgin until your wedding day. Or that night you went to a party and got some girl drunk, slept with her, later on you find out you have herpes or you find out she’s pregnant … you can’t go back.

That day when you decided to make a left turn instead of a right turn to go home, and crash the car or you get mugged walking or beat up, you can’t go back in time and take the other route home.

That day when you say something or you do something horrible to an innocent person or unsuspecting victim or loved one; you can never take that pain back and the guilt of injuring the innocent lingers in your soul, in your conscience tormenting you forever.

That time when you had a chance to assert yourself, when you had the chance to succeed and achieve your goals back in high school, back in college but you didn’t, instead you took the wrong road … you can’t go back in time and change the path you’ve taken.

That time when your grandmother calls you over to her house to visit, to come over and play cards … but instead you go to a bar with your friends … Later on that night your cell phone rings and you get the message that your grandmother suffered a fatal heart attack and is now dead. Those whimpering words from your cousin informing you of the tragedy force warm tears down your pale cheek as you try to swallow that ball of agony, regret and guilt down your throat … You realize that you can’t go back and spend the last minutes of Grandmas life together with her.

So what is my point? I’m not quite sure if there is a point to this yet, maybe just a rush of emotions provoking me to reveal some feelings.

Life is so complicated, yet it is so simple.

Anyone has the abilities to become great, anyone can change the world … it just takes one person to do so … yet the decisions we make (even the smallest of decisions) like making a right turn on a random street … like taking this highway instead of that highway can prove to be a fatal decision. The crippled patient asks himself “Man, if I just would’ve taken the long way home I would’ve never ended up in this wheel chair”.

So you see the smallest decision you make may lead to dire consequences …

We are imperfect creatures incapable of making the correct decisions 100% of the time.

Morrissey once said “Does the body rule the mind or does the mind rule the body … I dunno”. It is hard to make morale decisions in life, like when you see an opportunity that will benefit you yet in a not so morale way.

Like sleeping with the girl who has passed out from an all night alcohol binge, like taking the 20 dollars the person in front of you has dropped etc …

My response to this quandary is rather simplistic yet philosophically profound: Be the change you wish to see in the world. Think about that for a second, think about what it means to you and if you agree with this.

Also, I suggest to live your life, live it now, hurry up and enjoy your emotions for when you die you will never be angry again, you will never experience hunger again, you’ll never know what it is like to be freezing your ass off, you’ll never feel disappointed ever again so enjoy these feelings whether they be good or bad because you will never feel them again once you are dead do you understand what I mean?

I urge you to learn from your mistakes because in this life you never get a second chance to go back in time. We are scoundrels all of us, capable of the most horrible crimes, yet we are also capable of the beautiful gestures of love, mercy and goodness … As they say in psychology “there are no such things as accidents” and I believe everything happens for a reason, we all have our path … it is up to us to decide do you want to make that left turn or that right turn?

Monday, October 16, 2006

the new dilema my predictions

What makes the United States such a powerful influence in the world?

Before you read this, I want to say before hand that I am not in anyway saying I agree with N. Korea or any terrorist organization … I am just trying to answer some questions by stating the obvious or the known facts.

What makes the U.S such a powerful influence in the world?

Probably the fact that we have nuclear weapons and the fact that we have used our nuclear weapons on other countrieS (not just Japan). Our president knows that many “weaker” nations do not have this power/advantage … so he freely and brazenly goes around shaking his finger with his holier than thou attitude, forcing the hand of the weaker nations to bow to his will and accept his unfair terms.

Recently - It has been confirmed that N. Korea has nuclear weapons and boasts of a million-man army.

Dilemma - The U.S armed forces are now exhausted from bullying the “wild donkeys” in Afghanistan and Iraq. The war plan was obviously not well managed, (probably because our president spent most of his time boasting or on vacation).

North Korea - Kim Jong Il, although a bit eccentric and maybe border line Looney understand the fact that terror weapons equals power and leverage in a global world. SO why should the U.S be the only country that dictates who should be the haves and who should be the have-nots? Why should the U.S be the only country that can defy the United Nations and not get sanctioned? Hmmm…

What does this mean for the honest hard working American people –?
It means that we messed up royally by allowing the Bush administration to trick us into believing that Iraq had WMD (remember that word). Have you noticed that the media does not use it anymore? Why? Because there were no WMD. The President knew there were no WMD in Iraq, but you did not because the media controls your brain.

During this time of war against Iraq, the BUSH ADMINISTRATION shoved N. Korea aside and considered them less than mongrels incapable of fighting there way out of a paper bag. The Bush administration called them names; The Bush administration ignored many obvious signs and simply scoffed and boasted their superiority over the “weaklings” in N. Korea.

I mean N. Korea has nothing the Bush administration can take and make a profit from
(N. Korea has no oil and few natural resources … unless the world has a shortage of Kim chee, we will not attack N. Korea).

Thus we have screwed up, not only does the world hate us for bullying them into accepting our terms, now Iraq is forming new allegiances with Al Qaeda thus forming new terrorist which will eventually attack us some day.

And N. Korea has nuclear weapons, thus if we sanction them they will need to sell their nuclear weapons but to whom you ask? Oh yes the newly formed terrorists the BUSH ADMINISTRATION created when they decided to attack Iraq in order to steal their OIL.

Is the Bush administration worried?NOOOO, because after the next election there will be a new president and G. Bush, Condoleeza Rice, Dick Cheney will be enjoying the $$$ fruits of our labor $$$ aka the deaths of our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers (U.S armed forces).

Sunday, October 15, 2006

bush family would make good reality t.v shows

The Bush family is at it again ... this time it is Florida Gov. Jeb Bush who has disputed media accounts that said he hid in a closet to avoid anti-Republican protesters during a visit to Pittsburgh last week.

Bush encountered protesters Oct. 6 while on his way to a fund-raising event for Republican Sen. Rick Santorum at Pittsburgh’s exclusive Duquesne Club.

The unruly people already fed up with scandal after scandal by the Bush family, Average Joes like you and me fed up with all the law breaking, all the lying, missappropriation of funds, the GOP crime spree oppressing the poor and middle class decided to stand up to the horn of the Anti Christ aka Jeb Bush ... However Jeb Bush managed to hide in the "closet” and evade the angry tax paying American people and their questions once more.

Jeb Bush said it was not a closet but actually a boiler room. -- Aol News 10/13/06