NYC Guerilla Radio

Friday, September 30, 2005

Bush and his goons II

Here is one of the most despicable scandals ever uncovered. Department auditors said yesterday they have found federal employees directly under Bush have been abusing government issued credit cards. Special defense auditors have not yet released the names of these individuals and have only stated that they are directly under President Bush.

In an effort to save lives and families their government issued credit cards limits were raised to 250,000 to help pay for hurricane related expenses. However, The Bush administration has made it possible for the money to be used for other matters less moral.

Where is the money coming from you may ask?

The money comes from tax payers, government disaster funds, money sent by organizations and people to help the victims of hurricane Katrina has been seized by crooked officials to pay for prostitutes, gambling activities, even breast implants.

At the request of the Bush administration, congress increased the purchase limit as part of the Katrina recovery bill. Other investigations are still in progress such as the one involving the criminal subsidiary of Halliburton, formerly headed by none other than Vice President Dick Cheney.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Case of Schizophrenia

We've always been a schizophrenic society, caught between priveleges and responsibilities, passion and restraint. Jefferson wrote of the self evident truth that "all men are created equal" but had no problem keeping, trading, whipping and hanging slaves.

We welcomed immigrants to our shores in great waves, yet quarantined Asians American families in concentration camps while there sons went off to war. These camps were very similar to Nazi detention camps during WWII. No new concentration camps have materialized (we do have detention camps in the U.S), but G.W Bush is currently developing new ways for mass deportations and detentions, particularly of Arab and Muslim immigrants in America, which has forced a comparison of the two experiences, revealing striking similarities.

More recently, we've developed a complicated approach to sex. On the one hand, we allow our daughters to emulate unwholesome caricatures of womenhood like Britney, The Simpson Sisters Jessica and Ashley, Lindsay Lohan and so on ... we then lament the fact that they become sexually active at an early age. But instead of telling them not to have sex, we fight for the 12 year old's right to use condoms.

More than schizophrenia, it's hypocrisy.

Take abortion. Basic instincts tell us that the creature in the womb is incipient human life, BUT we call it a fetus and attempt to strip it of its innate humanity with the cold lexicon of the clinician, but we can't hide from the reality. Pregnancy involves two lives, with competing rights. It's a matter of science, not religion or conjecture.

In the case of Laci Peterson, the killer was charged with two counts of homicide making the ambiguity more compelling. In this instance the fetus is given status, a voice and posthumous dignity. But it is when a mother chooses to terminate a pregnancy, that the fetus looses its status under the criminal code.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Bush's advice for victims in New Orleans

First lady Laura Bush also met with hurricane survivors at the Cajundome, an evacuation center in Lafayette, La., about 130 miles west of New Orleans, and echoed the president's message. Mrs. Bush cleared up the misunderstanding in New Orleans quite well, she said “why is everyone so gloomy? You people are actually better off living in the foot ball stadium, your previous dwellings were really bad”.

The failure to smoothly evacuate New Orleans threatened to harm Bush's credibility at a time when his approval ratings are already at a record low. Just like the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, in which Bush's unconcerned, laid back do as I please posture earned him the titles "Deer in the Headlights", King George II, Nuclear George, George "Bananas" Bush, from Democrats and Republicans, the administration's response to Katrina has drawn more scorn than praise.

Four days after the Category 4 hurricane triggered floods that devastated the city, many residents and city officials were still venting at federal authorities, who insisted that their response plan was working well.

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin broke protocol with a blunt, expletive-laced interview with a local radio station Thursday night in which he accused G.W Bush and the federal government of "feeding the people a line of bull.'' Bush said there were 40,000 rescuerers coming to aid the people of New Orleans … guess what only 400 came.

"Put a moratorium on press conferences,'' Nagin told WWL-radio. "Don't do another press conference until the resources are in this city. ... Don't tell me 40,000 people are coming here George. They're not here. It's too doggone late. Too may have died. Now get off your asses, and let's do something, and let's fix the biggest goddamn crisis in the history of this country."

Bush toured the destruction in Mississippi and Alabama, where he earned high praise from those states' before landing in New Orleans. (Remember the Rich stick together.)

In New Orleans, Nagin stood silently at Bush's side at the airport for a news conference in which Bush pledged his usual line of Bull Crap which was written for him before hand so he won’t sound like the idiot he is.

The situation on the streets of New Orleans apparently was deemed too unstable for Bush to mingle with angry crowds of refugees. Asking Bush why has he not helped his own American people?. Umm … maybe because New Orleans is predominately black? There I said it … someone had to. Bush left and delivered his statement on the ground at the airport, 15 miles from downtown.

As he delivered his babble to a couple of people and reporters, some city leaders complained that -- despite the flow of food, medicine and water -- the government was failing in the most basic task of evacuating thousands of destitute people from the deteriorating city.

"Don't give me your money. Don't send me $10 million today. Give me buses and gas. Buses and gas. Buses and gas," said Democratic Louisiana state Rep. Karen Carter, whose district includes the French Quarter. "If you have to commandeer Greyhound, commandeer Greyhound. ... If you don't get a bus, if we don't get them out of there, they will die. However, we cannot manage the gas, the prices are too much for us to afford" “Sorry” Bush said. "Don't buy gas if you don't need it" Bush's advice on how to deal with the rising cost of fuel.

Isn’t that just dandy ?

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Angry @ Bush II

They call the Muslim Jihad freedom fighters extremist for going all out against AmeriKKKA.

While our Brainwashing MEDIA implements, and manufactures film footage from the Middle East and put a certain SPIN to it.

We in turn as brainwashed uneducated zombies digest this processed filth, step outside and breathe in the free polluted Amerikkkan carbon monoxide infested air congregate as zombies and ask stupid questions while we listen to 50 cents latest track.

We sit out side eating our Big mac and coke, while we have our 150$ pair of Nike sneakers, with our 80$ pair of Diesel jeans, and our 75$ Ralph Lauren shirt, our 40$ G-unit baseball cap and wonder why these people hate us. These people hate us because of our freedom right?

Or is it because we’re only 5 % of the world’s population and eat up about 88% of the world’s natural resources?

Maybe it’s because Bush invaded their country unjustly since 17 of the 19 hijackers on the 9/11 plane were Saudi’s … But wait, we can’t go to war against Saudi Arabia! Why you ask? Well the president gets paid a salary of 400,000$/yr while the Saudis have invested billions of dollars in G.W. Bush’s companies since before he was governor of Texas. Where do you think the president’s loyalty resides? Who’s your daddy Bush?

Hmm, a measly 400k from a bunch of whiney Amerikkans or billions of dollars from a foreign nation.

Maybe that is why President Bush disallowed a panel of 9/11 inspectors to investigate what REALLY happened. Weeks later he turned his attention to Iraq and the Amerikkkan public just swallowed it up, no questions asked.

Angery @ Bush

It really pains me to read the news everyday and find out that more soldiers are dying and that this war is nowhere near the end.

Question to think about – What did Saddam Hussein have to do with 9/11?

Answer to think about – Nothing, apparently Iraq has just now started training terrorist in conjunction with Al Qaeda because of what the U.S has unjustly done to Iraq

(According to CNN July 10, 2005).

If Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were the masterminds, why are we wasting money and lives in a country that had nothing to do with the deaths of our brothers and sisters on 9/11?

Questions to think about Why would our president kill innocent people daily, even though the U.N found no weapons, or ties to terrorist in IRAQ ?

Answer to think about - Maybe because G.W Bush is set to inherit a pretty large oil drilling company from his dad that is going out of business because lack of oil and Iraq has tons of oil we can take from them. So allowing 9/11 to happen would give him a reason to talk the “very special”American public into swallowing his bullshit because as we know Americans don’t know the difference between a Muslim and a Hindu, a Mexican and a Dominican or a Korean and a Japanese citizen.

Imagine for a second that a man kills your family and you know who he is, because he is one of your business partners, also 24 members of his family (who were in contact with him were in the U.S prior to 9/11). After 9/11 you allow his family to leave without questioning them about the whereabouts of this murderer. Does that make sense? No, usually in a murder case, you should question the suspect’s family or people close to him and find out his/ her whereabouts. THIS IS YOUR PRESIDENT.

While our troops are killing more innocent people in Iraq, and getting themselves killed as well, That man is somewhere else plotting to kill more families (ex: France).

Thank you G.W Bush, thank you rednecks of America and all those who voted for Bush.

Bush is the Anti Christ

He has admitted to snorting cocaine ... He dodged the draft (yet forced millions of Americans to join the army and kill innocent blood until his thirst is quenched) ... His friends knew him as an alcoholic womanizer with a bad temper ... a complete failure at business until his wealthy friends rescued him (all his business have bankrupted, and as President of the U.S, he has accomplished the single worst economic failure / deficit in history).

Yet within a few short years he was elected Governor of Texas, and quickly catapulted into the White House in spite of losing the popular vote, after clearly achieving voter fraud in the first election (
Florida scandal). He was then re-elected with last minute help from Osama Bin Laden, in spite of high disapproval ratings.

He still couldn't think his way out of a wet paper bag without the advice of his corrupted staff (Most of whom have had their bellies full of innocent blood and since have retired: Ashcroft, Colin “Uncle Tom” Powell etc…) and yet he's been able to declare an endless war on innocent civilians, attribute hatred for a people Americans know nothing about and institute some of the most radical changes in American history.

... How has He done it?

I submit to you that George Walker Bush is the ANTI-CHRIST. The violence and destruction that began when Bush first entered office, is now certain to culminate in the apocalypse, as predicted in the Bible over 2,000 years ago.

Before you dismiss this article as false, I’d like to take this a step further and ask you to go to G.W. Bush’s new web page He is proclaiming himself just as Jesus did; Bush is proclaiming himself equal to the son of God. In revelations it clearly states that the Anti Christ will be a FALSE PROPHET, spreading lies, and hatred all over the world.

George W Bush is a member of the "skull and bones" society. No, this isn't just another harmless Greek fraternity. It’s a secretive, satanic cult peculiar to the jaded and self-appointed elites at
Yale University. The upper crust of the upper crust – only 15 new initiates are selected in each class. Bush wrote in his autobiography that it was, "so secret, I can't say anything more." But we know that initiates undergo torture, kiss a scull, press a human femur bone to the initiates backside, act out a throat slashing ritual murder, lie nude in a coffin and pledge allegiance to a figure dressed up as Satan. They are compelled to relate their entire sexual history while masturbating in the coffin. Bush had the name "Magog" , because he had the most extensive illicit sexual experience of all the new initiates, ever. Of course, Gog and "Magog" are also names connected with Satan and the Antichrist in Revelation (20:8).
The words and imagery of the cult are heavily centered on death, as they repeat the same mantra over and over, till it is burned into their conciseness:


Initiates are instructed to "die to the barbarian world" so that they can be reborn in the "The Order," a brotherhood of Satan. In a new and more recent twist, in addition to being cross examined by Satan, initiates are also being cross-examined by a member dressed up as George W Bush, aka "Magog", who hurls vulgar profanities and says thing like "I’m gonna kill you like I killed Al Gore."
Some may want to dismiss all this as somewhere on the extremely poor-taste edge of college hijinks, but it’s much more serious than that. Such a dark, obscene and prolonged ritual cannot help but have a strong and lasting impact on the souls of young initiates. Oaths to the devil taken in jest are nevertheless taken in fact. It is also important to point out that scull and bones cult members do not resign after graduation - like born again Christians they consider themselves to be born again into “the order” forever- but they're reborn in Satan, not the Holy Spirit. They even have their own hideout called
Deer Island, where former Bones members bring their families for summer reunions and ritual sacrifice. This secluded hideaway is located in the St. Lawrence River, and owned by the Deer Island Club Corporation, a shell company operated by Skull and Bones members. These Scull and Bones Satanist Elites maintain their cultic relationships their entire lives - mostly by helping each other gain positions of world power, and make more money. A satanic mafia for the super-well-connected. When Bush kept going bust in the oil business, it was his comrades from scull and bones who helped bail him out, and it was they who would later give him his start in politics.
Bush was also involved in torture at Delta Kappa Epsilon, at a time when he was President of the fraternity. One pledge recalled how this "compassionate conservative" took great pleasure in branding him with a red hot iron, leaving him with scars which he carries to this day. When the hazing scandal broke in the campus newspaper in the late '60s, bush tried to defend the illegal torture as a "harmless prank", but the fraternity was fined and the branding practice halted. Little wonder that bush considered illegal torture a 'harmless prank': When he was a boy he used to sadistically insert firecrackers into frogs and blow them up for kicks. Little wonder then that under his leadership, for the first time Americans are engaging in the shameful torture of prisoners in places like Abu Ghraib Prision.
Then there's the Bush family alliance with the greatest evil in history - Adolph Hitler. Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush, also a 'scull and bones' man, got rich first by helping the Nazis come to power, then helping Hitler build the war machine that would decimate the world, and then even benefiting from Nazi slave labor and the extermination of millions of Jews.
Auschwitz was built near coal deposits so that slave labor could be used in one of Prescott Bush's holdings, the Silesian American Corporation. Even after the US declared war on Germany, Prescott Bush continued violating the Trading With the Enemy Act, until the government finally shut him down late in 1942 - but not before making him rich, and establishing the Bush family as a power in American politics .

One of the mysteries of Revelation has been the identity and connection of a second beast who rescues the antichrist and serves as his prophet. Rev 13:12 "He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast." Carl Rove rescued bush from political death after his defeat in a Congressional race, and since 1993 he has served as the brains and the cleverness of the antichrist. There is even a new best-selling book by that title "Bush's Brain". No mere presidential advisor has ever held so much power. He is often referred to as 'President Rove', and even other people within the bush regime worry about his growing influence and power. Every decision bush makes is calculated and spun by Rove for political effect, with absolutely no regard for the truth. A true prophet divines the will of God in order to help lead a nation in the path of truth and righteousness. But a false prophet like Rove can predict the moods and weaknesses of the people in order to manipulate public opinion and start wars under false pretenses in order to advance his evil agenda.

to be continued ...