NYC Guerilla Radio

Saturday, May 29, 2004


Are you Latino, black or Asian and you living in Corona, Queens N.Y? If you do, then you may have noticed the horrible conditions of the roads from about 108th through 82nd street.

I was driving my car through junction boulevard (by Duane Reade on 37th ave.) and after the 8th pot hole, I pulled over on the corner by Hernandez's grocery store to check for a flat when I looked over and saw a midget bag lady fall in one of the damn pot holes, her grocery bags plunging to the streets beside her.

Now, I'd like to ask you, the reader a serious question, have you ever been to a white neighborhood? If you have, then you may have noticed how smooth and clean the roads are, how clean the streets are kept.

Why is that? Why do some neighborhoods get preference over other neighborhoods?
Don't we work hard enough as it is? Don’t we deserve decent roads and streets?

When you get that paycheck at the end of the week, you look at the deductions taken from you, don't you? Have you wondered where all this money goes? When you drive over a toll bridge or get ticketed by an officer, don't you wonder where all this money goes? Well, I'm here to tell you where it goes.

Your money, the money you worked for goes to pay luxury vacations, it pays expensive meals, wars, all this money goes to pampering people in power and neighborhoods that voted for the people who are in power and who are ripping you off!!!.

So, in other words some of your pay check is actually taken away from you in order to make other peoples lives better, and what do you do about this? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, why don't you do anything? Well that's a question that I always ask myself.

Now don't get me wrong, I’m not blaming you guys for this, It's the government that think's Latino's, blacks and other minorities are brainless, dimwitted, sex crazed and ridiculous! Yes you! They feel you are a ridiculous insignificant worm, and they could care less about you, as long as you're paying they're taxes. They're happy as long as you keep your mouths shut and allow them to squeeze as much money from your pocket without you saying a word.

What do we need then? What should we do? What can we do? Well, allow me to offer some suggestions...

The first step is to understand your enemy. They want Dominicans fighting Boriqua's they want Mexican's fighting Salvadorians, they want Chinese fighting Koreans, but why?

Why?, because they know that we out number them in our neighborhoods, and if were to unite and organize, we would actually get paved roads, better education, more money, no more paying parking meters on SUNDAY !!! (Yes that's right, in Corona we have to pay for parking even on Sunday).

I say STAND F*ck up for your damn rights and contact Hiram Monserrate, If you've ever been pulled over by a cop, if you're tired of getting ticketed, if you're tired of all the pot holes on OUR roads STAND the F*ck up!!!

Hiram Monserrate is the Council Member for District: 21, CALL HIM UP OR EMAIL HIM!!! Ask him, why is it that we have to pay for parking meters on Sunday, while other neighborhoods, (with besinos much lighter skinned than us) don't.
Ask him what is he planning to do with the roads in our neighborhoods?


Council Member- District: 21
Hiram Monserrate- Democrat
District Office Address:
98-17 Northern Blvd., Corona
Queens, New York, 11368
District Office Phone No.: (718) 205-3881
Fax Phone No.: (718) 205-4145

Manhattan Office Address:
250 Broadway, 17th Floor, New York, 10007
Manhattan Office Phone No.: (212) 788-6862
What is the city council? The New York City Council is the law-making body of the City of New York. It is comprised of 51 members from 51 different Council Districts throughout the five boroughs. The Council monitors the operation and performance of city agencies, makes land use decisions and has sole responsibility for approving the city's budget. It also legislates on a wide range of other subjects. The Council is an equal partner with the Mayor in the governing of New York City.

For more information on the city council go to, and find out how to speak with your districts representative.