NYC Guerilla Radio

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Who is Harriet Miers ?

Who is Harriet Miers and why should you care about her?
Why should you waste your time reading up on someone who will dictate how you and your children will live for the next 60 years?
Why not read about what 50 cent is wearing or who Tom Cruise is porking this week? Why care about who we elect as president? Why do people (like myself) make such a big fuss about elections and politics?
Lets see shall we …G.W Bush did it again ... Nominating Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court along with John Roberts. We (Democrats, Republicans, and any other party) can all unanimously agree that G.W Bush has been the worst president of all time without a doubt.
We (citizens of the world) make the common mistake of assuming G.W. Bush is just plain stupid and does not know any better, however this is not the case. G.W.Bush is not stupid at all; he’s actually purely evil. (( Sounds funny right ? I’ll explain just keep reading !! ))
You see the President has twisted and malicious views of what the future should be like, the only way to accomplish his goal is to position people just as evil as he is into high-ranking government echelons.

G.W Bush chose two Supreme Court justices that will determine our future in this country for the next 60 years !!!
A little history of who Margaret Miers is:Harriet Miers was G. Bush's lawyer when he got into some trouble while governing Texas ... There was a lotto scandal that Bush was involved in where he would basically always have the winning numbers. Harriet Miers, instead of telling the truth concealed the injustice done by Bush and thus was repaid with this opportunity to be a supreme court justice. This crooked immoral animal is going to be in charge of justice and laws that will effect each and everyone one of us. She is intensely loyal to Bush ... We have these immoral animals interpreting justice in our country who are puppets ... and the puppeteer in charge is a War hungry criminal, fiend.